Size Information:
Active Ingredients:
Inert Ingredients:
Made with only naturally occurring flea & tick repellants - Virginia Cedarwood, Peppermint, & Almond Oil*
Virginia Cedarwood Oil – Known to be repellent to fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, but completely non-toxic to animals and people, it’s considered to have antiseptic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties and be beneficial for the skin and coat.
Peppermint Oil - Medicinal, relieves stress, repels insects, and has a natural minty scent.
Almond Oil – This gift of nature has a slightly nutty aroma that helps repel and protect from unwanted insects. It protects the skin while helping to spread out the active ingredients. It also helps the ingredients maintain efficacy during and after rainfall.
*Any essential oil, in rare cases, may cause an allergic reaction. However, the oils we use in our Nature’s Protection™ products are at such low levels that the risk of any potential reactions are further eliminated.